The South Local Care Partnership Population Health Steering Group have announced a new funding application which opens 20 October 2023. The fund is to support partners in the locality and LCP with capacity and capability to understand the barriers and challenges...
National Energy Action are providing a range of webinars to provide an understanding of the causes of fuel debt, issues householders may be facing and support available for low-income households. The course is designed for frontline staff working with low-income and...
Do you have a project, building or service which needs funding? Teignbridge CVS are pleased to invite you to Meet the Funder – a series of 1 hour online sessions with a selection of funders. During these sessions the funder will tell you about the grant programmes...
We are recruiting 2 part-time posts to join our team in Torbay Hospital who will support people who are self-neglecting A new project: Supporting people who are self-neglecting across South Devon Teignbridge CVS is leading, with our Health and Social Care...
Devon’s VCSE assembly are holding an inaugural meeting of the wider assembly n Thursday 14th September 2.30-4pm on Teams. The purpose for this meeting is to discuss progress to date, challenges to address and to hear from you about how the Assembly can support...