Trustee’s Week

Trustee’s Week

A BIG THANK YOU to all the #Trustees across #Teignbridge! It’s #TrusteesWeek! An opportunity to thank them for the work they do. Leading their charities through increasingly challenging times! If you are a Trustee or want to know more about the role they play...
New Site for Helping Dawlish

New Site for Helping Dawlish

The Helping Dawlish website has undergone a revamp and now provides an even better service for local people, supporting them to find the information they need.  There are new pages to support those struggling with the Cost-of-Living Crisis and an area for Ukrainian...
The Outreach Covid Vaccination Fund

The Outreach Covid Vaccination Fund

Working in partnership with communities in Devon we have developed a Devon vaccination outreach programme which aims to support uptake of the Covid 19 vaccination amongst our most vulnerable communities in Devon. Insight, engagement, and involvement underpins our...
New guidance for VCSE Groups supporting food supplies

New guidance for VCSE Groups supporting food supplies

As food costs continue to rise the current cost of living crisis is causing consumers to look for alternative food supplies. Volunteers and charitable organisations are increasingly looking for ways to provide essential food supplies to those who are most vulnerable....