
The Good Practice Mentor

The Good Practice Mentor (GPM) programme is an innovative project that brings together legacy, learning and resources from Ageing Better, a seven year Test & Learn project that worked to reduce social isolation and loneliness in people aged over 50, and engaged more than 150,000 people in over 366 projects. The Good Practice Mentors share the learning, resources and skills needed to provide a collaborative local response to social isolation and loneliness among older people, as well as working on a national level, to address challenges faced by many larger organisations striving to reach, connect and empower older people in the community. The Good Practice Mentor team works with organisations who want to increase their engagement and support of older citizens in the community. They’ll share their knowledge and resource to help you build skills and confidence, create new connections, influence decision makers and drive system change. 

Please see here for more information or contact  GPM@syha.co.uk  for a no obligation chat and to find out more