Devon’s VCSE assembly are holding an inaugural meeting of the wider assembly n Thursday 14th September 2.30-4pm on Teams.
The purpose for this meeting is to discuss progress to date, challenges to address and to hear from you about how the Assembly can support you and your organisation going forward. You should have received a series of monthly meetings directly into your calendar. It would help with the admin of the meetings if you can accept or decline these ahead of time so we can prepare accordingly.
On Sept 14th you will have the opportunity to hear what the Assembly has achieved so far, and most importantly to let us know how you would like to shape plans moving forward.
To make best use of the meeting time, if you have an opportunity could you email them with one main aspiration and one main concern you/your organisation has about the Assembly going forward.
Join them remotely with tea/coffee to be part of the conversation.
For a link to the meeting please email the assembly: